Learning, Teaching and Student Experience strategy
We will create an inclusive learning culture and transformative university experience that empowers our students to realise their ambitions and make a positive difference to the world.
We are committed to being an inclusive University, which recognises the value and power of diversity in generating change and shaping the future. We have a sustained history of supporting students from diverse backgrounds to become successful graduates who go on to make a real difference to the world around them.
We must continue to build on and strengthen our commitment to deep inclusivity by offering genuinely innovative educational programmes and learning experiences that transform the lives of our students and our communities. Excellence in learning and teaching is key to this. Our Learning, Teaching and Student Experience strategy is based around three pillars of inclusivity: inclusive curriculum; inclusive experiences, inclusive community.
The purpose of our inclusive learning culture will be to enable staff and students to work together to create a dynamic university culture. This culture will nurture talent, inspire success, and care for our individual and collective wellbeing.

Implementation measures
- Establishing Programme-Level curricular that adhere to the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Expanding research-led and research-engaged Learning
- Embeding academic, technical, professional, and life skills through applied learning, scholarship, and enterprise education
- Defining and mapping the core elements of the Bradford student journey to ensure equality of access and flexibility of support for all students
- Providing an integrated digital experience
- Connecting formal and informal learning activities and environments to promote career development education and support the ethos of achieving ‘more than a degree’
- Developing, recognising, and rewarding staff development and teaching excellence,
- Establishing students as partners and co-creators in their learning and broader university experience,
- Recognising mutual interest, share resources, and work towards common aspirations