Dhatshayini Devamanoharan
MSc Psychology
- Currently working as a Clinical Studies Officer for Bradford District Care Foundation Trust
- The accreditation she received from Bradford helped open doors in the world of employment
- Was offered an 'Academic Excellence Scholarship', which helped with her tuition fees

My current role
"I work on a range of national studies to ensure that they are set up properly and run effectively. My daily routine at work involves the identification and recruitment of participants to various research studies. Throughout my role, I ensure that all local data is accurate and kept up to date. I also act as the main point of contact for study teams (i.e. universities, Chief Investigators and Principal Investigators) providing regular updates as required.
"The best part of my work is that I get to work in many interesting studies. I have special interest in dementia and I was predominantly involved in dementia studies that were both national and international. I also think that my role provides a lot of networking opportunities within academia and the clinical setting.
"One of the few disadvantages that I came across in this role is that it lacks frontline clinical experiences. Much of the work is done in the community and we don’t get a lot of time to spend with participants. Another limitation that the role holds is that you don’t get to actually design the studies that you are involved in. The role is limited to following the instructions given by the ‘central team’ and delivering the project within the given time scale. This might not be the role for you if you like to design and conduct your own research."
I came across my job role through a placement I undertook during my Master's studies at the University of Bradford. I was enrolled in the ‘Psychological Life Skills and Employability’ module that really helped me to transition into the world of work right after my degree.
Finding work in research
"Prior to my Master's in Bradford, I had completed a Master's in Research at the University of Leeds. These qualifications along with my prior experience in conducting primary research and clinical experience within mental health, aided me in securing the placement at the Research and Development department at BDCFT.
"Following my placement, I continued to work with R&D as a volunteer for a couple of months, until I completed my Master's at Bradford. As soon as I completed my degree, a post was advertised and I was well equipped to apply for the position, as I had first-hand experience in the role and the right qualifications.
"I chose to work within the research sector as it allowed me to expand my knowledge and networks within the area of mental health and research. To supplement the limited time I spent doing clinical work, I also enrolled in the ‘Bank Staff’ scheme at the trust which gives me the opportunity to work within the wards and get first hand experience in working with patients who suffer from mental illness."
Although I had already completed a Master's, the accreditation at the University of Bradford was the real turning point in my career as it enabled me to be part of a professional society, opening doors to the world of employment and career development.
Choosing Bradford
"I chose to study at the University of Bradford as it has an excellent reputation for its diversity and for its ability to engage students in the world of employment right from the start. I specifically chose to do a MSc in Psychology as it provided me with the accredited BPS qualification that is required by many doctorate programmes.
"I was also offered an ‘Academic Excellence Scholarship’ during my enrolment to the course which hugely supported me with my tuition fees.
"Studying at Bradford was a really positive experience and I definitely profited a lot from the 24/7 library services which were a real lifesaver during exam and assignment periods. Student services were also great in providing support whenever necessary and I found the staff at Bradford to be generally very friendly and eager to help, which is always encouraging when you start on a new course. I always felt supported and empowered during my time at the University which encouraged me to evolve into the person I am today."
Working in the NHS
"Due to my more clinical role with the trust, I am a frontline worker during this pandemic. Yes, I can put on my CV that I was a frontline worker during the COVID-19 and give myself a pat on the shoulder, yet the humanitarian in me has witnessed some of the toughest emergencies which I may not be able to recover from. With every patient you see, you can’t help but put yourself in their shoes. It’s a vicious virus that unfortunately no one knew how to navigate through.
"With everyday that I go into work, all I can do is be the best version of myself and always remember to take care of me first so I can be of good service to my patients.
"To my fellow frontline workers, I know how hard it can be and yet you selflessly continue to risk your own lives just so you can be of service to others. I am proud of you and I know that we will come out of this stronger. For those who are willing to volunteer during this pandemic, thank you for being so kind during this crisis. Remember to wear your own mask first before helping others!
"To everyone out there, please take care of yourself, call your isolated loved ones and show each other support and encouragement, because the brain is the most strained part of our body at the moment, given the current situation. So be kind to one another, we are all in this together!"

Follow your passions
"I would advise future and current students to go for what they want. Many people tell me that I must be really studious to have completed two Master's by the age of 24, but I always say that it is not about being studious. It is the actual passion you have for a subject that drives you to gain more.
"My passion to be of service to others and my passion towards the behavioural sciences is what pushed me to achieve what I have. If you have the passion and the drive to achieve something, go for it!
"I am moving onto a more clinical role starting next month, where I will be working as an Addictions Practitioner with the Leeds CCGs and I am also looking to continue my education by pursuing a Doctorate in Clinical Neuropsychology in the next academic year.
"I am both excited and terrified by my new prospects and this is exactly how you are supposed to feel when you are on the right path, so I look forward to it!"