For start ups
Our programmes are available to the Bradford community and we welcome anyone with a business idea they are looking to develop.
You could be a...
- tradesperson looking to use your skills in a new venture
- artist or maker looking to increase the market for your creations
- person with a great business idea but no idea where to start
- professional with expertise that could be a marketable product or service.
The Core Entrepreneurship Programme will provide facilities, advice, networks and mentoring that will transform your idea into a real business prospect.
The Core Entrepreneurship Programme
Our offer
- Comprehensive support including mentoring, tailored one-to-one sessions, plus marketing and financial advice.
- A registered address, use of Entrepreneur’s Lounge, meeting rooms and University facilities including library resources.
- Access to investor panels, networking and showcasing events.
- Option to work with other entrepreneurs to develop your business team.
- Access to University of Bradford research and intellectual property.

The Entrepreneur's Lounge
Why choose BREE?
- Based within the University of Bradford, alongside the Triple Crown Business School, award-winning MBA course and Law Clinic, we have a proven track record of supporting companies from idea stage to investment and ongoing success.
- Experience of Home Office programmes and Fast Track for visa support
- International partnerships with businesses and universities.
- Business partnerships which provide funding and training, including Santander Open Academy, Amazon and BaxterStorey
- Networking access to Top 100 Businesses in Yorkshire
The two-year programme costs £8,000 per year. This cost can be offset as the University of Bradford is willing to enter into an equity arrangement in lieu of fees, or we can advise how initial fees can be written off against tax.
Eligibility and how to apply
We accept applications from home and international applicants year-round, whether you are an entrepreneur, graduate or due to graduate soon from any university worldwide. International applicants must meet the Home Office's eligibility criteria.
Your business plan must clearly demonstrate that your proposed business is:
- New (not trading elsewhere)
- Distinctive
- Viable (financially sustainable)
- Scalable (with the potential to increase revenues and to create new jobs over time)
Please use the UK Home Office Innovator Founder Visa website to check your eligibility and what is needed to apply.
Entrepreneurs from overseas receive support either to apply for an Innovator Founder visa, or to make the most of their Post-study Work Visa to run a successful business.
To apply for a place on one of our programmes, please submit a business plan to [email protected]
What to include in your business plan
Here's our guide to what we're looking for in an effective business plan.
Relevant background to proposed enterprise, with links as appropriate. Provide an indication of macro-environmental, societal, consumer trends and unmet needs.
Core value proposition (product/service & benefits)
What will the enterprise do? What products or services will it deliver and how will these provide value or benefits to customers or members of the community? Remember to distinguish benefits from features. What is compelling about this proposition?
Market segmentation. Customers and/or beneficiaries
A segment is a defined group of customers or beneficiaries with similar needs. How does your market segment? What are the specific needs your enterprise will meet? How does this basis of segmentation bring value? What alternative bases of segmentation did you consider and why did you select this one? Who are likely to be your first customers or beneficiaries?
Differential advantage over competition
How will your product be positioned within your chosen segments? Who are your direct and indirect competitors? Why is the product, service or resource you are offering superior to that which competitors are offering? Include a differential analysis, which shows the specific advantages your enterprise is offering relative to identified customer or beneficiary needs.
Business model
How will your enterprise sustain itself? How will it raise funding required or secure capital for its ongoing operation? Who will pay, and on what basis? How will the enterprise grow? What value will the enterprise bring to founders and (where appropriate) investors. How will the core operation be scalable? What exit, if any, is considered?
Organisation - who is involved
Who are the founders and what specific role will they play in driving the enterprise? What is the current and expected future structure of the proposed organisation? Please include the resumes (curriculum vitae) of each member of the founding team as an appendix.
What resources does the enterprise currently have? What resources are needed? Who else is needed for this organisation to be successful? How can physical and human resources be sustained?
Marketing plan
What are the routes to securing customers or beneficiaries? What is your communication and promotional strategy? How will you retain customers or supporters? What is your pricing strategy?
Financial plan
What are the projected expenditures and costs over the next two years (detailed analysis) and five years? What are the upside, downside and most likely scenarios? What is the arising cash flow and how will any negative cash flow be managed (e.g. founder funds, loans, grants, investment). Based on current projections, what is the value of the enterprise (may be determined by one or more techniques e.g. discounted cash flow; benchmarking; earnings multiple)
What progress has already been made? Has there been test marketing? Have there been early sales from this or a related enterprise? Have customers, beneficiaries, stakeholders been consulted and what feedback has been received? Is there a working prototype or mock-up? Is preliminary marketing collateral (website, investor deck, brochure etc) in place? What evidence and confidence do you have that this enterprise can be successful?
Sharing of returns across parties
How will founders be recognised or remunerated, when, and in what proportion? Is this fair? How will employees and other stakeholders be rewarded?
Agreed next steps for progressing the opportunity
How will you assess demand for your product, service or resource? How will prototypes and product/service concepts be generated? How will you roll out the business? What are the key steps needed to establish a viable enterprise? Who is responsible for what? Is there a plan? How will you maintain effective communications across distance and time zones, if necessary?
Assumptions, risks and mitigation
What assumptions is this enterprise based on? What are the potential risks involved, their likelihood of occurring and the potential impact of the enterprise (consider using a risk matrix)? What actions can be taken to test assumptions or mitigate risk? What major changes in the social or competitive environment could occur? What other potentially disruptive technologies or solutions exist and how can these be managed?
Discuss your collaboration with us
Email us to arrange a chat about how you can get involved with our programmes.