Rehabilitation Studies: Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Practice
MSc / PGDip / PGCert
- Duration
- Start date
- Location
Suitable for applications.
Learning and assessment
Teaching is delivered through any number of the following:
- Lectures: To a group of students where information will be presented and discussed whilst informed by the core values.
- Facilitated seminars and group discussion: Where learning will be through the interpretation and critical application of information and group learning.
- Tutorial: Where small group number of students reflect and discuss issues related to their learning.
- Work-based learning: Where learning is directed within the work environment and is reflected upon and then reported on.
- Work-based learning: Where skills are taught in relation to theory and best practice enabling students to develop advanced competence and clinical practice skills in their field of practice.
- Use of Web based virtual learning environments, such as video analysis, To access information and to interact with other students undertaking group work or developing wikis.
- Directed reading: Where set reading may be recommended.
- Self-Directed learning: Where student are expected to develop their own learning by identifying areas of interest and areas in which knowledge needs to be developed thus encouraging independence and development of critical thought.
- Undertaking a work based project or a research module which is shaped by self-directed learning needs and the learning outcomes at MSc level.
Students will be expected to develop an autonomous learning style and become self-directed as a learner.
Students learning will be assessed through a range of different assessment techniques, which may include one or more of the following approaches:
- Written assignment
- Reflective case study
- Development of a reflective portfolio
- Practical examination (OSCE/OSPE)
- Computer based open book examination
- Seminar presentation
- Written project report
- Completion of a dissertation
- Research paper/executive summary
This is the current course information. Modules and course details may change, subject to the University's programme approval, monitoring and review procedures. The University reserves the right to alter or withdraw courses, services and facilities as described on our website without notice and to amend Ordinances, Regulations, fees and charges at any time. Students should enquire as to the up-to-date position when applying for their course of study.