Civil Engineering Student Activities
Throughout the year our Civil Engineering students undertake numerous activities which relate to their course of study:
Field Trips
These consist of visits to a number of sites of interest around Yorkshire, these will typically consist of geotechnical materials field trips and feasibility study field trips where students gather social, economic, geotechnical, topographical and environmental information which can be used for structural design projects.

Feasibility Study Field Trip
During Stage 3, students conduct a feasibility study on the town of Whitby. During this residential field course they gather social, economic, geotechnical, topographical and environmental information about the town, some of which is also used for a structural design project.
Geotechnical Field Trip
Every year, a Geotechnical materials field trip is organised for Stage 2 students during which the students visit a number of sites of interest around Yorkshire including Coldstones Quarry, one of the highest quarries in Britain.
Teaching Laboratories
Students undertake several practical laboratories during their degree course, in modules such as Materials Technology, Structural Mechanics, Skills for Engineers, Fluid Mechanics, Surveying, Soil Mechanics and many more.
Laboratories and Practical Experience
Students undertake several practical laboratories during their degree course, in modules such as Materials Technology, Structural Mechanics, Skills for Engineers, Fluid Mechanics, Surveying, Soil Mechanics and many more. In addition to the heavy structures, concrete and mortar, hydraulics, soil mechanics and acoustics laboratories, a new £1.5 M multi-disciplinary engineering teaching laboratory was opened in 2014, providing cutting edge equipment to allow students to put the theory they have learnt into practice. Overall students experience a wide range of practical work in different environments during the course of the degree.

Civil and Structural Engineering Society
Formed in 2014, the Civil and Structural Engineering Society organises a wide range of social and educational activities for students and staff such as outings and quizzes. Further information can be found on the Society's section of the University's Student Union website.

Student Projects
Final Year Projects and Advanced MEng Projects
During Stages 3 and 4 of the BEng and MEng degrees, students undertake an individual research project, during which they examine a particular subject area in great detail. Projects are typically in the form of experimental research, design exercises, theoretical research, computer-based work, or a combination of these. Some examples of recent project titles are:
- Novel sustainable material for vibro-acoustic and thermal insulation from recycled materials
- Flexural behaviour of concrete beams reinforced with steel, FRP or hybrid
- Whole life sustainable transport development carbon footprint and climate change indicators calculation
- Sediment transport and flow phenomena at aquifers
- Vegetation influence to flood dynamics
- Finite element analysis of a building subject to floor loading
- The design and performance of earth retaining integral bridges with the use of earth reinforcement
- Effect of reused aggregate on concrete properties
- Dam-break phenomenon in natural rivers of major reservoirs around the World
- Vegetation induced flooding in urban areas
- Urban river flooding analysis using hydrodynamics modelling.
Projects are assessed by a written report and a poster presentation.