Preclinical drug screening and evaluation
Scientists at the ICT have considerable expertise in preclinical pharmacology, especially in the cancer field. We have performed collaborative research with numerous companies over many years and have an excellent reputation for delivering high quality research for our commercial partners:
Our key areas of expertise include:
- Target identification and characterisation
- Cellular Cytotoxicity
- Cellular growth inhibition evaluation
- Evaluation of tumour dissemination processes
- Tumour xenograft models
- Hollow fibre assay
- Site specific tumours
- Cell lines & xenografts
For further information regarding the ICTs preclinical pharmacology services please contact Dr. Steve Shnyder

Areas of investigation
Target Identification and Characterisation
- Immunohistochemistry
- Tissue and tumour arrays
- Gene expression
- Tumour/normal differential expression evaluation
- Development of genetically modified experimental models
- Drug-target interaction evaluation
- Analysis of molecular pharmacology of drug action
Cellular Cytotoxicity
- MTT/SRB microplate cytotoxicity assays
- Clonogenic assay
- Tumour versus normal cell response
- Drug response in three-dimensional tumour sphere
Cellular Growth Inhibition Evaluation
- Cell cycle analysis
- Apoptosis/cell death induction
- Mechanistic studies
Evaluation of tumour dissemination processes
- Cell adhesion assay
- Cell migration assay
- Cell invasion assay
- Cell angiogenesis assay
- Both 2D and 3D models