School of Law research on Finance, Technology, Commerce and Intellectual Property (FTC&IP)
Research in FTC&IP involves critical enquiry of conventional principles in law and commerce, as well as engaging in the regulatory and governance challenges brought about by globalisation, a plurality of legal systems and disruptive technologies affecting all commerce and industry sectors.
This is a fast-emerging research area in the School that has led to the development of specialised modules and opportunities for collaboration with other disciplines across STEM and management.
The research is interdisciplinary, multi-level and policy-oriented.

Research interests
- Dr Prince Olokotor’s research is focused on commercial dispute resolution, particularly enforcement of transnational arbitral awards, with a developing interest in the use of technology in dispute resolution.
- Prof. Engobo Emeseh and Dr Mark Van Hoorebeek are currently involved in multi-disciplinary research funded by the Qatar Foundation on governance and policy models on the implementation of blockchain technology. Prof. Emeseh also has a keen interest in the regulatory and governance implications of Artificial Intelligence in environmental management. Dr Hoorebeek research also includes the concept of technology enhancement uptake and the regulation of the internet and cyberspace and has a string of successful grants from various funding bodies including the ERSC, EPRSC, TSB, HEA.
- Mr Ian Miller’s research investigates the legal and ethical implications of innovative technologies such as automated driving systems for passenger cars.
- Dr Ilias Kapsis’ research is broadly in the area of international commercial law, with particular interests in Banking & Finance Law and Law & Technology. His research increasingly focusses on financial services with an emphasis on financial regulation, fintech and artificial intelligence.
Research on these areas feeds into teaching at the School at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, making our programmes current and market-relevant. A number of postgraduate research students also work in a wide range of subjects in this field on the excellent supervision of key academic staff.
Featured FTC&IP research
Dr Ilias Kapsis is currently under research on the title: “Crypto-assets: Law, Ethics and the Quest for Legitimacy”. Crypto-assets is an innovative digital financial ecosystem based on blockchain and cryptography, which comprises a number of diverse types of assets led by Bitcoin that perform a variety of functions including as mediums of exchange, stores of value, and units of account.
Dr Kapsis’ s timely work will make a valuable contribution to the global efforts to regulate the ecosystem by proposing a set of legal rules and principles in this direction. The monograph will also review the ethical issues surrounding the emergence and use of crypto-assets and will propose an ethical framework, which will ensure that they comply with the broader values accepted by society.
This work will be published as a monograph by Routledge, Taylor Francis in December 2020.