Get Recognition with an ORCID® iD
Whatever your discipline or workplace, it is essential to your reputation and career that your research can be disambiguated from that of others. An ORCID iD provides researchers with a unique identifier that can be attached to all your research outputs, ensuring your work can be quickly and easily attributed to you. An ORCID iD also allows researchers to link their identity with a variety of contributions like datasets, journal articles, books, media stories, patents etc.
ORCID is fast becoming a global standard with nearly 2.5 million iDs already registered by researchers. It is open to all researchers irrespective of discipline or career stage. In addition, a growing number of publishers, funders and universities are starting to use ORCID.

To keep track of a researcher and his or her works throughout their career, it makes sense to have a unique identifier. I believe that ORCID is here to stay.
Prof A. Nieves (Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil)
Why should you have an ORCID iD?
- You get credited for your work and others can find your research with less effort.
- You take your ORCID iD with you across institutions ensuring continuity to your identity throughout your career.
- You have an easy way to keep track and report on your research to funders, publishers and employing institutions.
- You will be asked to provide and ORCID iD to some funders. For instance, Wellcome Trust have required one since August 2015.
- RCUK is considering the integration of ORCID into their systems in the future.
- A number of publishers, like IEEE and the Royal Society, already request authors to provide their ORCID iD.
Get an ORCID iD
Registering for an ORCID iD is free and quick. Once you are registered, you manage your own ORCID profile. The profile contains links to your research activities, affiliations, awards, versions of your name, and more. Your can also then start using your iD in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submissions, not forgetting when you deposit your publications in Bradford Scholars.
Remember to enhance your ORCID profile with your professional information. For instance, make sure you have noted your affiliation with the University of Bradford, and linked your ORCID iD with any other research identifiers you may have. These might include LinkedIn, ResearcherID, Scopus etc.