New series explores science and healthcare advances
Experts from the University of Bradford are taking part in the next series of Café Scientifique.

The Café Scientifique series are events open to the public to hear about, discuss and debate some of the most recent advances in science and health care, and their importance to society.
Each session is led by a University academic who will speak for around 30 minutes, with the aim to demystify and explain their ideas to everyone.
Prof Anne Graham, University of Bradford said: “The café scientifique series has proved really popular so we’re really pleased to be working with the National Science and Media Museum to hold the next series of events looking at key issues in society. The relaxed format of the events means that the talks are relatively short and accessible, with lots of time for discussion and a chance to meet new people.”
Each event will have a theme—these include everything from the latest in physics to the science behind your favourite music, from nanotechnology to biology.
Events are held once a month on a Thursday evening at the National Science and Media Museum and are free to attend although people are encouraged to book on. The series is held in partnership with the University of Bradford, National Science and Media Museum and Theatre in the Mill.
The next one is on October 24, 6pm with Dr Kate Lancaster (University of York), Kate will be discussing can you build a star on earth? The following two will look at ‘Which superhero technologies are needed for building future cities’ with Dr Dhaval Thacker and ‘Does how you live determine your risk of getting dementia?’ by Dr Ritchie Williamson.