Professor Prathivadi Anand

Head of Peace Studies and International Development
Expertise: environmental economics, sustainable human development, right to water, institutional economics, governance, accountability, China, India
Dr Anand is a specialist in environmental economics and public policy with a focus on the interface of urban economy, environment and sustainability.
Dr Anand has held various leadership positions including Head of Centre for International Development at Bradford (2010-2015). Currently he is the PI of a three year British Academy funded project on 'infrastructure governance for inclusive, smart and sustainable cities' (jointly with Prof Rajan of IIT Madras, India). He was the team leader and principal author of the Mongolia National Human Development Report 2011 titled 'From vulnerability to sustainability' for UNDP.
Previously, he had co-organised and led two international workshops at Cambridge (2006 and 2009) and a major international conference at Bradford (2011).
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