MSc Medical Bioscience
Abimbola travelled from Nigeria to Bradford in 2020, to begin her MSc in Medical Bioscience.
This is her story:
Why Bradford?
“I had four UK universities on my radar, but Bradford won me over with their support.”
"I completed my undergraduate degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences in Nigeria, and then worked for a bit before deciding to do a Master’s.
"I came across Bradford because I had a family member here who kept telling me what a great university it was.
"I saw they were the first to introduce the Biomed degree in the UK and had state-of-the-art laboratories for cell culture and tissue-handling for Biomed students.
"They also had researchers working together with reputable industries in the community, so I knew I had to look into this opportunity.
"What drew me was that the course allows you to explore different areas of Biomed, whereas a lot of other universities seemed to only offer a particular path to go down."

When I reached out, the team were always so kind and helpful; I thought if the support they’re giving me now is anything to go by, they will be amazing when I get there!
Settling in
“It was strange at first.”
"I’ve never had to communicate with lots of people not like me continuously, so it was strange at first.
"I soon got to make connections in my class, and there were lots of people from different backgrounds. I’ve made some great friends. I’m also on a group chat with other Nigerian students, and we support each other.
"I came through an agency, so they applied for me and looked after that side of things. Bradford prepared me for my visa interview and gave me ideas for what I should focus on."
“I was pleased I wouldn’t get lost on campus!”
"My first day was meeting my academic tutor, and she was lovely.
"I was brought to school initially by my relative for the student registration process, and eventually I thought to myself ‘I’ve got to stand on my own two feet now’.
"I had to ask for directions from time to time and everyone was really kind to me, I felt welcome and comfortable. Everything was different, people were different, people were new…but I knew I just needed to break through, and it would be alright."
I spoke to the best lecturer ever, Dr Andrew Tedder, and he really helped me through those early days.
New ways to study
“Coming to the UK to study was exciting.”
"The teaching is a lot different here.
"Back home we did more theory and less practical sessions, but here, we have more opportunities to do critical thinking, problem-solving and practical tasks.
"The marking is different too – when my tutor explained the UK grading system, I knew I was doing okay."

My MSc Medical Bioscience course
“My course is wonderful.”
"My speciality was histology back home, so when I started following through with the skin sciences module at Bradford, I felt like I was really developing my knowledge and skills.
"I love all the lab work, and the tutors’ and supervisors’ knowledge is amazing. I spend most of my time in the lab, and people genuinely care about what you’re doing in there. They don’t just give you the equipment you need and leave, they always check in on you.
"It’s a very inclusive environment to be in. We’re all encouraged to choose what we want to do, and then we’re supported by staff to achieve it, rather than being told what to do."
“I genuinely enjoy writing essays now.”
"I’ve learnt a lot of soft skills like critical thinking, independent thinking, decision-making, adaptability, time management and writing – I genuinely enjoy writing essays and assignments now.
"In terms of my lab skills, they’ve come on a lot since being here. I’ve been practising microtomy and techniques like immunohistochemistry. I’ve also picked up techniques like ELISA, cell culture, PCR and cryotomy."
The Careers team have helped me with my CV and linked me up with places with vacancies when I wanted to do some part-time lab work to get experience.
Career goals
“I want to go into diagnostic medicine.”
"I want to work with the Healthcare Professionals Council as a biomedical scientist.
"I'll start out in a support role to gain much needed international biomed experience after I graduate. I feel like this would give me an outlook on how things are done in the medical laboratories here, compared to back home, and subsequently help advance my career.
"Looking further ahead, I see a possibility of a PhD in a couple of years, after I’ve got a feel of the workplace."

The University is supporting me along the way, and they keep me focused on the long-term vision. It also helps that you get help from the school for five years after you graduate. That’s wonderful!
My advice for future students
“My advice to others considering a Master’s at Bradford would be…”
"Have a picture of what the study needs to look like for you.
"Look at the modules and the course make-up, does it suit you?
"Talk to other students who’ve done it before – we’ll give you honest advice on it, so you know exactly what to expect.
"Think about your future plans and career goals – is this going to get you there and give you the best chance?"

In my case, I can say with confidence that Bradford is giving me the best chances possible, and I’m so grateful for that.
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