The Polymer IRC at Bradford
The Polymer Interdisciplinary Research Centre (Polymer IRC) at the University of Bradford is a world leading research group for process structuring of polymers, polymer composites/nanocomposites, biomaterials and pharmaceuticals, with novel and conventional materials processing.
The centre has a strong track record of warm co-operation in the UK and abroad, with academics, industry and clinicians across the area of advanced materials, especially polymers and polymer composites, and with an emphasis on healthcare technologies, ultraprecision processing and unique solid phase orientation processing of polymers.
It forms part of the wider UK Polymer IRC, which was founded in 1989 as a focal point for UK polymer science & engineering, supported by an EPSRC grant of £23m to the Universities of Leeds, Bradford and Durham, over its first 11 years. The Polymer IRC at Bradford consists of five research centres and groups.

Director: Professor Phil Coates

Established in 2018, an informal consortium of leading polymer-related research groups around the world.
Polymer IRC Booklet 2019

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