Prospective students
If you are thinking of coming to the University of Bradford, don’t wait until you have arrived to make contact with us. We can arrange for you to meet with a Disability Adviser to talk about the support that is available on campus and in accommodation.

Disabled Student Allowance
If you are a UK disabled student you may be eligible for additional financial support; Disabled Student Allowances (DSA). You don't need to have a confirmed place at the University to apply for DSA. You can apply for DSA at any time during your course but we strongly recommend you do so as soon as possible because the process can take up to 3 months.
You can check your eligibility and find out how to apply by visiting your funding body website:
Information for parents and carers
As a parent or carer you will have a great deal of experience of supporting your son or daughter. It is a huge change once they become an adult and begin university life. Starting university often requires a period of adjustment whether they leave home or not.
A large part of university education is about developing independence and autonomy, along with many other skills needed for adult working life. Students need to be able to communicate with staff, manage their workloads and access sources of support. These skills increase the capacity for growth and change in all areas of life.
How can you help?
It would be useful if you could help your son or daughter to make a short list that they can bring to their first appointment. The list could include:
- the main barriers that your son and daughter might face
- previous support at school or college
- any solutions that they found useful
- you could also help in sourcing medical or psychological reports or letters
What you as a parent can expect from us
The Data Protection Act (1998) prohibits us from freely sharing information about any student. As a result we are unable to share information with you as a parent unless we have explicit written consent to do so. We also ask students who they would like us to share information with and if possible what information they are happy for us to share.
Before your son or daughter starts at the university, an Adviser will hope to meet with them to ensure that they know all about the services we offer. You are welcome to attend this meeting if you have your son or daughter's consent.
Living in Bradford - Accommodation
There is a range of excellent accommodation available in Bradford and based on the campus we have the award winning Green. The Green provides high quality, sustainable and accessible accommodation for students living away from home for the first time.
The Green has a number of adapted rooms which are accessible if you are mobility impaired. There are accessible rooms with adjoining rooms designed for carers.
Dedicated parking provision is also provided.
Speak to us at an Open Day
If you are planning to attend an Open Day, Applicant Experience Day or an interview at the University of Bradford and would like to make an appointment to speak to a member of the team while you are here, please do not hesitate to contact us.
International and EU Students
Although international and EU students are not eligible for the UK government funded DSA, the Disability Service can assess your individual requirements and will be able to provide you with a range of support including:
- a named disability adviser
- guidance on sharing information about disability
- a Learner Support Profile (LSP) outlining your study support needs
- advice if you think you may have dyslexia or other specific learning difficulty
- adjustments in Exams and Assessments (such as extra time)
- advice on accessing study skills and mentoring support
- loan of equipment
- support from the Library