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The UNIfy Festival 2024 banner.

UNIfy Festival

Launched in 2021, UNIfy is the University's headline festival which welcomes all of our communities to campus for an exciting and engaging programme of events, workshops and performances that aim to share and celebrate projects from the University and across the district, including a family friendly community day. The festival is co-created with our city partners and introduces a new key theme each year to focus the programme around.

UNIfy Festival 2024

The theme for the UNIfy Festival in 2024 was ‘What a difference!’. During the festival we celebrated what makes us different; we recognised people, projects and research that are making a difference; and we demonstrated how when different people come together brilliant things can happen. 

Two of the events in our 2024 programme were recorded in our TV Studio so can be watched back:

Pre-recorded videos containing no audio information other than possible background music. Read our website accessibility statement.

UNIfy Festival 2022

2022 saw the return of UNIfy Festival and the ability to host in-person events. The theme for the programme in 2022 was 'Give Invention Light' taken from the University's motto, celebrating creativity and imagination and shining a light on innovative activities and new thinking in research, industry, sustainability and culture that is contributing towards giving Bradford and the people that live here a bright future. 


Bunting with the University of Bradford and UNIfy Festival logo along a railing

UNIfy Festival 2021

UNIfy Festival launched in 2021 with a programme of events focused on three key themes; Heritage and Pride, Enterprise and Innovation and Building Resilience. Due to the on-going Covid-19 restrictions in place at the time, the festival was hosted exclusively online:

UNIfy Festival Team

UNIfy Festival is led by the University's Events & Partnerships Team. Find out more about the team, including how we can work together or how to get in touch.