- Whitfield R., Hartley P. (2019) Assessment Strategy: Enhancement of Student Learning Through a Programme Focus. In: Diver A. (eds) Employability via Higher Education: Sustainability as Scholarship. Springer, Cham
- Whitfield R, Hartley P, 2018, Assessment challenges for programme leaders – making the move to programme-focussed assessment in Lawrence J, Ellis S, in Supporting programme leaders and programme leadershp, SEDA Special 39.
- Whitifield R, Hartley P, 2017, Whatever happened to Programme Assessment Strategies?, SEDA Educational Developments 18.1 ISSN 1469-3267
- Whitfield R, 2013, Resolving assessment issues in higher education: learning from innovation in programme focused assessment in Rust C, Improving Student Learning Through Research and Scholarship: 20 years of ISL, Oxford, The Oxford Centre for Staff & Learning Development, pp 67-82.
- Hartley P, Whitfield R, 2012, Programme Assessment Strategies (PASS) Final Report, HE Academy.
- Hartley P, Whitfield R, 2011, The case for Programme-Focused Assessment, SEDA Educational Developments Issue 12.4 ISSN 1469-3267

- Hartley P, Whitfield R, Smart J, 2021, Programme Assessment: A Future-Proof Strategy, Association of National Teaching Fellows Annual Symposium, 27 April 2021.
- Hartley P, Whitfield R, 2019, TESTA and PASS: competing perspectives or opportunity for synergy? TESTA in Scotland, Impact and Enhancement, University of Dundee, 10 December 2019.
- Whitfield R, Hartley P, 2019 Assessment challenges for programme leaders: Making the move to programme focused assessment, University of Hull, 28 June 2019.
- Hartley P, 2019, Programme Assessment Strategies: Learning from a decade of PASS, Assessment in HE Conference, Manchester, 27 June 2019.
- Whitfield R, 2019, Supporting Programme Leaders and Programme Leadership, SEDA One Day Event, University of Birmingham, 11 April 2019.
- Elkington S, Whitfield R, Hartley P, Programme Focused Assessment, OneHE Webinar, 27 February 2019.
- Whitfield R, 2019, Academic Leadership: Programme Focused Assessment, National Forum for the enhanced of teaching and learning in Higher Education, University of Limerick - 12 February 2019.
- Ellis, S, Lawrence J, 2018, Leading successful courses and programmes, #LTHEChat, 3 October 2018.
- Whitfield R, Lawrence J, 2019, Supporting Programme Leaders and Programme Leadership, SEDA One Day Event, University of Birmingham, 13 September 2018.
- Hartley P, Whitfield R, 2018, Making the case for programme-level assessment, Invited speakers, SOLSTICE & CLT Conference, Edge Hill University - 7/8 June 2018.
- Whitfield R, Lawrence J, 2018, Assessment challenges for programme leaders: Making the move to programme focused assessment, Keynote speaker, Supporting Programme Leaders and Programme Leadership, SEDA One day event, 13 September 2018.
- Whitfield R, 2016, Messages from the sector: The challenges and successes of implementing Programme Focused Assessment, Invited speaker, Programme & Assessment Event, Sheffield Hallam University - 11 November 2016.
- Whitfield R, Hartley P, 2016, Whatever happened to programme-focussed assessment?, Invited speakers, SOLSTICE & CLT Conference, Edge Hill University - 9/10 June 2016.
- Whitfield R, Hartley P, 2016, Whatever happened to Programme-Focussed Assessment? SEDA Spring Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference 2016 - Innovations in Assessment and Feedback Practice - 12/13 May 2016.
- Hartley, P Programme focused assessment: potential and implications for student achievement (pdf) 12th annual CRA Residential 2012 - Thursday 22 November 2012.
- Whitfield R, Walton S Resolving assessment issues in higher education: learning from innovation in programme focused assessment,
Improving Student Learning Symposium 2012 – Improving student learning through research and scholarship: 20 years of ISL – 29-31 August 2012. - PASS Final Event - "Assessment Strategies: The way forward" 24/25 July 2012 at University of Bradford.
- Hartley P, Whitfield R Engaging students through programme focused assessment, SEDA Spring Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference 2012 - The Student Journey - 17-18 May 2012.
- Hartley P, Whitfield R, Programme Assessment Strategies for Empowering Student Learners in Higher Education, 5th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference - 17 April 2012.
- Hartley P, Assessment Futures: the Role for e-Assessment? eAssessment Scotland 2011 Keeping it Real - 25/26 August 2011.
- Whitfield, R & Hartley P, Varieties of programme based assessment, Assessment in Higher Education Conference 2011 - 6 July 2011
Conference delivered by Cumbria Study of Higher Education Network in collaboration with Northumbria University Centre for Escellence in Assessment for Learning and BERA Higher Education Special Interest Group. - Hartley P, Issues in assessing alternative final year dissertations and capstone projects: the PASS perspective, Rethinking Final Year Projects and Dissertations: Creative Honours and Capstone Projects, Symposium - 22 June 2011.
- Hartley P, Whitfield R, Changing assessments - what can programme based assessment achieve for staff and students? SEDA Spring Conference "Academics for the 21st Century" - 5-6 May 2011.
- Hartley P, Whitfield R in collaboration with the TESTA team, PASS presentation, EARLI/Northumbria Assessment Conference 2010 - 1-3 September 2010. Symposium: Evaluating and Enhancing the Impact of Programme based and Programme level Assessment: Theory and Methodology.
- The Higher Education Academy Annual Conference 2010 - 22-23 June 2010 Poster Session.
- The 19th European Access Network Annual Conference: From Access to Success: Closing the Knowledge Divide - 14-16 June 2010
The conference focused on higher education in the market economy and its effect on equity and access for under-represented groups.
Paper 5.2 - Can equity in access to higher education be reconfigured within a practising enterprise/employabiity model? (pdf)
Vanessa Fitzegerald, Judith Waterfield, Dr Jane Cavanah, University of Plymouth - PASS Review event 1 - 10.00 am to 2.45 pm Tuesday 25 May 2010 at Oxford Brookes University, Harcourt Hill Campus.
Invited guests (TESTA team, critical friends, and Subject Centre reps) considered findings to date, provided critical feedback and worked with the project team to plan for the next stage of the project. - Hartley P, Keynote: Developing an effective assessment strategy, Effective assessment for the degree in social work: working towards robust, reliable, valid and equitable strategies - 5 March 2010 A day conference held for External Examiners, Heads of Degree programmes (or their named assessment coordinators).
- Assessment in Different Dimensions Conference in Melbourne - 19-20 November 2009
Chris Rust and Sue Burkhill held an additional workshop session to provide the project team with an international perspective of programme assessment strategies.